Photo Agora
Stock Photo Agency
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Photo Agora represents over 100 photographers with over 50,000 images on file. Photographs in the galleries are only a small sample of our entire collection. All are available on request, plus any of the other 50,000 images. E-mail or call us with your photo requirements and we'll do a search to find photos that match. We won't charge you a research fee and will do our best to meet any deadline you give. If a quick preview of photos is necessary, we can send e-mail attachments, or display on the web site. If we can't find the right photo for you, and time allows, we can hook you up with one of our photographers for an assignment. Sometimes they will shoot on spec. at our regular stock rates. Speaking of rates, use fees are normally determined by a combination of size, placement, circulation, distribution and specific use. We will also consider the size of your budget, and are always ready to negiotiate an agreeable price. To ask about pricing/use fees for photography, e-mail, call or write. Contact us for a password to download a copy of our photographer photo marketing agreement and/or submission guidelines; then click here to download. |
Image number / photographer / caption & keywords for photos on this page: 49-2891-CD / Joerg Boetel / Fruit Still-life - California |